To enter, and to inspire.
To occupy as a phenomenal force.

The nucleus of the “ring of fire,” the pacific rim, is the Hawaiian islands.

Most associate Hawai’i with the eight major islands, but the Hawaiian islands actually number over 130, spanning 1,500 miles, and is remembered, in lineal doctrines, as Papahānaumokuākea.

I am of the families who still have access to the knowledge, and traditions, of Papahānaumokuākea. The most archaic reaches of this memory is known as .

In the genealogy chant, the oli helu, of the line of Mahat, we access the breathing and movement artistry known as ‘ULU.

The story that accompanies this near forgotten bio-psychic science, is that our most primordial relatives, the Mū, were initially Light body, and acclimated themselves into material form in the artistry of ‘ULU. ‘ULU is also how they archived the Light as to ensure it remain accessible during the experiment of the Human Event.

With central focus on the sacred 33 of the spinal cord, the iwi kuamo’o, we breath and motion the vertebrae.

This behaves twofold ~

One, to ground the body and affirm belonging.

Two, to access the archives of cosmic history, known as akasha, or remembered, in the Mū, and Hawaiian dialect, as .

Rarely practiced today, ‘ULU is speculated to be the ancestor of modern day Hula and Lua (Hawaiian martial arts). With only a handful of practitioners, this is a radical, and provocative attempt to proliferate the artistry of ‘ULU to the global community. All are welcomed!

This introductory portal is COMPLETELY FREE

Your free introductory membership will be supported with incredible content, including recorded tutorial and instructional videos, all pertaining to ‘ULU and the culture of MŪ. Your facilitators are both descendants of the oldest genetic lines of modern day Hawai’i. Join Ke’oni Hanalei and Kapuahīnano Coelho as we invigorate a nearly forgotten art.

Ke’oni Hanalei

Ke’oni Hanalei is a descendent of a Hawaiian-Mū lineage which spans 1,017 generations. The lineage, or mo’okūauhau, is preserved and documented in his family’s oli helu, a lineal chant, which documents names, places, and characteristics of these generations spanning 20,000 years.

Ke’oni was fortunate to become hanaid (adopted), at birth, by his maternal grandmother Kau’ikeonalani, and spent the first 5 years of his life immersed in ancient practice and mysticism. He is just one of only a handful of practitioners who have access and are willing to share this ancient archaic knowledge, or pre-flood wisdom.

‘ULU is one of the most prominent traditional legacies preserved  in the families doctrines, this is a legacy of his lineage.  ‘ULU incites cellular memory, DNA activation, and the comprehension of familial and lineal wisdom through the reading of the spinal cord, nervous system, and DNA. 

A lifelong lover of the natural world, Ke’oni has found his sense of peace in reorienting into the natural rhythm of what it means to be organic, and the willingness to not just honor the organic, but function as organic.

Kapuahīnano Coelho

My name is Sydney Kapuahīnanokauikala’i Coelho. Born and raised on the island of O’ahu, I am of Hawaiian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Italian, and Euro-Greek descent. Despite my diverse heritage, my deepest connection is to my Hawaiian roots.

I hold a master's degree from the University of Hawai’i, where I also taught La’au Lapa’au (plant medicine) for two years. For the past decade, I have been a licensed Lomilomi (massage) practitioner. In my practice, I incorporate numerology, essential oils, syncretism, esoteric wisdom, and plant medicine to provide holistic healing.

My contribution to the lāhui (community) is to share my artistry of aloha through my loving touch, the frequency of my spirit, and the stories I am destined to share. I strive to tap into my own memories and ancestral wisdom, drawing inspiration from my rich cultural heritage. In doing so, I hope to encourage others to connect with their histories and traditions. My journey is one of honoring my ancestors, preserving our cultural legacy, and promoting healing within my community. Through my work, I seek to inspire others to explore their roots and embrace the profound wisdom that resides within their own memories and the legacies they wish to leave behind.

Aloha Mā, Kapuahīnano.

Currently, the oldest mention of ‘ULU is from 18,000B.C which makes it the oldest known breath and movement tradition known to Man.

Join me as I share the relics of our archaic people.

‘O ia, no ka laina mo’okū’auhau o Mahat
I, of the genetic line of Mahat